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2014年US News美国大学排名--综合大学排名

官方最新排名:2014年 | 更新日期:2013年9月12日特别推荐:留学选校圣经《Fiske Guide to Colleges》全球首发中文版

U.S. News rank School Location Tuition and Fees Total enrollment Fall 2012 acceptance rate Average freshman retention rate 6-year graduation rate
#150 University of Mississippi University, MS in-state: $6,760, out-of-state: $17,728 18,794 61.1% 82% 58%
#152 Adelphi University Garden City, NY $30,800 7,859 66.5% 81% 66%
#152 Illinois State University Normal, IL in-state: $12,573, out-of-state: $20,013 20,706 74.0% 84% 71%
#152 San Diego State University San Diego, CA in-state: $6,578, out-of-state: $17,738 31,597 31.3% 86% 67%
#152 St. John's University Queens, NY $37,260 21,087 53.2% 78% 59%
#152 University of Alabama–​Birmingham Birmingham, AL in-state: $8,904, out-of-state: $20,394 17,999 73.4% 80% 48%
#152 University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI in-state: $12,450, out-of-state: $28,016 16,451 76.9% 81% 63%
#158 University of Hawaii–​Manoa Honolulu, HI in-state: $9,904, out-of-state: $27,472 20,426 81.2% 79% 56%
#158 University of Maryland–​Baltimore County Baltimore, MD in-state: $10,068, out-of-state: $21,642 13,637 60.4% 85% 61%
#158 University of Massachusetts–​Lowell Lowell, MA in-state: $12,097, out-of-state: $19,210 16,294 65.8% 80% 54%
#161 Maryville University of St. Louis St Louis, MO $25,002 4,203 71.3% 84% 70%
#161 Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX in-state: $8,942, out-of-state: $19,562 32,467 64.3% 82% 62%
#161 University of Idaho Moscow, ID in-state: $6,524, out-of-state: $19,600 12,420 65.7% 79% 56%
#161 University of La Verne La Verne, CA $35,000 4,973 39.0% 83% 59%
#161 University of Louisville Louisville, KY in-state: $9,750, out-of-state: $23,638 21,242 76.3% 78% 52%
#161 University of Wyoming Laramie, WY in-state: $4,404, out-of-state: $14,124 12,903 95.7% 74% 54%
#167 Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne, FL $36,020 5,384 59.1% 77% 55%
#167 University of Maine Orono, ME in-state: $10,594, out-of-state: $27,454 10,901 81.1% 78% 59%
#167 Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA in-state: $12,002, out-of-state: $28,861 31,752 60.2% 85% 57%
#170 University of Central Florida Orlando, FL in-state: $6,317, out-of-state: $22,415 59,767 46.2% 87% 65%
#170 University of South Florida Tampa, FL in-state: $6,410, out-of-state: $17,325 40,111 43.2% 88% 57%
#170 West Virginia University Morgantown, WV in-state: $6,456, out-of-state: $19,632 29,707 85.1% 79% 56%
#173 Azusa Pacific University Azusa, CA $32,256 10,184 52.3% 85% 63%
#173 Pace University New York, NY $38,069 12,772 76.8% 78% 58%
#173 St. Mary's University of Minnesota Winona, MN $29,315 5,574 79.0% 76% 62%
#173 University of North Dakota Grand Forks, ND in-state: $7,254, out-of-state: $17,170 15,250 73.7% 77% 54%
#177 Biola University La Mirada, CA $32,142 6,302 74.7% 85% 65%
#177 Indiana University of Pennsylvania Indiana, PA in-state: $9,080, out-of-state: $19,014 15,379 61.0% 75% 50%
#177 Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL in-state: $12,952, out-of-state: $22,024 21,869 51.8% 72% 54%
#177 Southern Illinois University–​Carbondale Carbondale, IL in-state: $12,104, out-of-state: $24,970 18,847 51.4% 66% 50%
#181 Andrews University Berrien Springs, MI $25,470 3,551 37.5% 79% 59%
#181 Ball State University Muncie, IN in-state: $9,250, out-of-state: $23,660 21,053 61.2% 79% 57%
#181 Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH in-state: $10,721, out-of-state: $18,029 17,286 73.6% 74% 58%
#181 East Carolina University Greenville, NC in-state: $5,869, out-of-state: $19,683 26,947 62.2% 80% 58%
#181 University of Alabama–​Huntsville Huntsville, AL in-state: $9,192, out-of-state: $21,506 7,636 77.7% 77% 47%
#181 University of Nevada–​Reno Reno, NV in-state: $6,154, out-of-state: $20,064 18,227 83.0% 79% 54%
#181 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM in-state: $7,274, out-of-state: $11,568 29,033 64.6% 77% 46%
#181 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI in-state: $10,355, out-of-state: $24,109 24,598 83.3% 74% 56%
#181 Widener University Chester, PA $38,028 6,238 65.5% 72% 55%
#190 Central Michigan University Mount Pleasant, MI in-state: $11,220, out-of-state: $23,670 27,626 63.8% 77% 58%
#190 Edgewood College Madison, WI $24,666 3,064 73.2% 78% 53%
#190 Immaculata University Immaculata, PA $30,740 4,117 79.6% 80% 53%
#190 Louisiana Tech University Ruston, LA in-state: $7,146, out-of-state: $18,483 11,304 70.8% 76% 47%
#190 New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM in-state: $6,220, out-of-state: $19,644 17,651 80.1% 72% 44%
#190 North Dakota State University Fargo, ND in-state: $7,233, out-of-state: $17,478 14,443 83.6% 78% 53%
#190 University of Colorado–​Denver Denver, CO in-state: $7,494, out-of-state: $21,006 22,396 75.9% 73% 45%
#190 University of Houston Houston, TX in-state: $10,272, out-of-state: $20,892 40,747 56.2% 81% 46%
#190 University of North Carolina–​Greensboro Greensboro, NC in-state: $6,388, out-of-state: $20,186 18,172 60.0% 77% 54%
#190 University of South Dakota Vermillion, SD in-state: $8,022, out-of-state: $10,104 10,284 88.6% 75% 51%
#190 Utah State University Logan, UT in-state: $6,183, out-of-state: $17,886 28,786 96.7% 72% 50%



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