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2022年US News美国研究生商学院国际商务(International Business)专业排名

官方最新排名:2022年 | 更新日期:2020年3月30日特别推荐:为您免费评估定位与选校

rank university state city tuition ENROLLMENT
1 University of South Carolina (Moore) SC Columbia full-time $32,000 total program (in-state) , full-time $60,384 total program (out-of-state) 55
2 Harvard University MA Boston full-time $73,440 per year 1,538
3 Florida International University FL Miami full-time $21,139 total program (in-state) , full-time $47,000 total program (out-of-state) 49
4 Georgetown University (McDonough) DC Washington full-time $57,850 per year 509
5 New York University (Stern) NY New York full-time $76,780 per year 668
6 University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) PA Philadelphia full-time $80,432 per year null
7 Columbia University NY New York full-time $77,376 per year 1,310
7 George Washington University DC Washington full-time $55,132 per year 112
9 Saint Louis University (Chaifetz) MO St. Louis full-time $49,390 per year 37
9 University of California--Berkeley (Haas) CA Berkeley full-time $64,246 per year (in-state) , full-time $68,444 per year (out-of-state) 627
11 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross) MI Ann Arbor full-time $66,048 per year (in-state) , full-time $71,048 per year (out-of-state) 758
12 University of Southern California (Marshall) CA Los Angeles full-time $61,500 per year 435